Discovering the Greatness within Creating Ideas

Practice listening. Listen for a day to the rhythms all around you. Write down the rhythms of the day in a song about your day

A composer makes a hundred small inspired choices as they compose. Pray for inspiration before you create. Don't push the creative process. Make small choices and as you put them together, with inspiration, create greatness

Ask for an audience. Ask someone you trust to give you an opinion on your creations. Insist that they give you feedback as to how to make it better. Accept their advice and create something born out of that advice

There are many ways to tell a story, music, art, dance, words. As you are creating, remember that it is a story you are creating. A story is what captivates an audience. It is what changes hearts. Tell a story through your creating

What questions did you ask yourself while reading, while listening. Do you ask yourself questions? Do you write them down? Do it! Ask, Seek and Knock are some of the most important things we can do, especially when we are creating.

Beginnings are everything. How do you begin things? Do you like to write the beginning first and then tell the story, or do you like to tell the story and then write the beginning? Do you like to change the beginning after you finish? Try a different way to create your beginnings than the way you usually do. Tell us what is different

Read one of the books or listen to one of the musical pieces that he references in the book. Share with us how it inspires you.

Pick out the first melody of your favorite song. Now play it backwards and then forwards again. All notes have existed since the beginning of time. All that is different in new creations is the new way they are put together.

Cicero have 5 stage for creating a speech:  invent, arrange, style, memory and delivery.  Add each of these five steps to your creation!

Create with the intention to teach someone else.  How does it change how you create.  Does it make it better?  How does working from a service minded attitude help in our creative process?

What is your driver?  What keeps your creation going.  If you don't have one, find one.  If you have one how can you use it more?

Some ideas to compose music (from Bach and Rob Kapilow)  turn it upside down, shorten it, stretch it rhythmically, end with the beginning or begin with the ending.

Try restraining yourself to one small idea or thought or purpose in your creation.  Have everything build on that one small idea or thought or purpose.  Explore deeply all that is has to offer and teach.

A life well lived means living to your full potential.  Don't fear what you go do.  Give it your best and bring it.  All creations are perfect and working towards matter where you are at.

Write your own cadence or your own sentence or your own color theme and then use the same cadence or sentence several times in your creation

A great creation invites the observer of your creation to ask questions.  We find answers for our lives by asking questions and seeking wisdom.  How can you create and encourage the asking of questions.  A good place to start may be by asking your own questions of your creation.

Learn how to play a song that is talked about it All You Have to Do is Listen.

Compose, Write, Film, Paint, Photograph, etc...a story of your life.  It doesn't need to be your whole life.  But tell a story with your creation.

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